EWBI announced in Geneva
The Emotional Well-Being Institute was announced at a press conference in the Geneva Press Club on April 2, 2019.
Foundation President of the EWBI, Professor Basseer Jeeawody spoke to journalists on the need to "eliminate the iatrogenic processes leading to human catastrophes and harm”.
“We need to implement measures which are taken to uphold the right to life and towards a flourishing world experiencing emotional well-being," he said.
The Establishment of the Emotional Well-being Institute (EWBI)
Emotional Well-Being remains an urgent public and an occupational health concern and burden in the world. There is an increasing prevalence of psychosocial, emotional well-being and mental health problems and challenges. The opportunity, therefore, to take emotional well-being forward is unprecedented. Hence the establishment of the Emotional Well-being Institute (EWBI).
The EWBI was established in Geneva. It demonstrates the effectiveness of strategies, programs, processes, and opportunities to make our nations flourish, feel good, become more resilient, fulfilled, productive and effective. It addresses the SDG Goals.
The EWBI has come into existence to provide a Framework to deliver sustainable development on a global basis. The Institute facilitates training, education, research, professional development and consultative opportunities, and best practice models, through guidelines and programs objectives, namely: Enhanced level of life dignity, human rights, happiness and therefore life sustainability resulting in ‘feeling goodness’ in everyday life, family, and work.
The EWBI is being registered as a United Nations (UN) Economic Social Council (ECOSOC) member and is establishing a consortium with selected United Nations ECOSOC registered bodies, International Government and non-Government Organisations, and professional bodies. In many ways EWBI shall provide a Global Resilience Alliance for Sustainable Pathways for those who desire to work synergistically developing, promoting, realising, respecting, and protecting ‘green holistic’ solutions.
Capacity Statement: The Institute shall become one of the finest examples of prestigious organisation guided by a commitment to achievement of excellence in all its activities.
EWBI: Guiding Philosophical Ideologies
The guiding Philosophical Ideologies for the EWBI are:
1. United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030
2. Social Ecological model of integration
3. PERMA Model of Well-being
4. Multidimensional Experience of Emotional Well-being
5. Corporate Social Responsibility
These are described herein:
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030
The Social Ecological Model of Integration
The Social Ecological Model of Integration is a framework to examine the multiple effects and interrelatedness of social elements in an environment. It provides a theoretical framework to analyse and incorporate various contexts in multiple types of education, research, professional practice, and community development. This model allows for the integration of multiple levels and contexts to establish the big picture in community development in the field of Emotional Well-being. It will adopt a pluralistic and an eclectic approach. A pluralistic approach is to assess situations or circumstances while using multiple strategies or philosophies to find solutions and explanations. The Emotional Well-being Institute will use the pluralistic approach to bring together separate and distinct schools of thought to create unique perspectives.
The PERMA Model of Well-being
According to Selligman (2011), FIVE elements with the acronym PERMA – are the best approximation of what humans pursue for their own sake (2011, p.97):
Positive emotion Engagement Relationships Accomplishment Meaning
Multidimensional Experience of Emotional Well-being
There is a need for a system-wide integration of different sectors of the environment as well as the different sectors of humanity when developing system-wide processes such as the EWBI. The Institute shall adapt a generalist as well as a multidisciplinary, multidimensional, interconnectedness, pluralistic, and holistic approach rather than a linear approach to its strategies, programs, and projects. The Institute shall develop a culture of interconnectedness from a holistic and pluralistic perspective, nationally, regionally, and globally. It shall be beyond ‘efficiency’ in its entire endeavour. A pluralistic approach is to assess a situation or circumstance while using multiple sciences or philosophies to find solution or explanation. When the EWBI uses the pluralistic approach, it shall bring together separate and distinct schools of thoughts to create a unique perspective in the arena of Emotional well-being.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), also known as Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Citizenship, Responsible Business, Sustainable Responsible Business or Corporate Social Performance, is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model. Governments through their National Empowerment Foundation many have established policies with the overall objectievs of mandating registered companies to pay or donate a certain percentage (%) of their bulk profit towards programs that contribute to the social and environmental development of their country (Nation). The EWBI may derive advantage of such an opportunity.
The Emotional Well-being Institute Organisational Framework
Governance and Pillars Guiding the EWBI
Governance and Pillars, embedded within the Organisational Framework, guiding the Institute are:
The Five pillars, embedded within the Organisational Framework guiding the Institute are:
Ø Education and professional development in Emotional Well-being
Ø Community engagement in Emotional Well-being
Ø Globalisation in Emotional well-being
Ø Research and innovation in the field of Emotional Well-being
Ø Trajectories leveraging Emotional Well-being
Proposed EWBI Global Cluster Regions
The capacity statement of the EWBI is:
Ø Address challenges and minimise the social issues through strengthening the emotional well-being of our nations.
Ø Conceptualise as collective action for sustained population-wide improvement in emotional well-being
Ø Participation by civil societies, research, development and evaluation to enhance the emotional well-being of nations.
Ø Demonstrate the effectiveness of strategies, programs, processes.
The impacts of the Emotional Well-being Institute
The EWBI shall be at a centre stage and not be separate from the world. The Institute shall:
¨ Create knowledge through research
¨ Transmit knowledge through education
¨ Engineer economic growth through preparation of workforce for a ‘knowledge economy’
¨ Promote ‘emotional stability and emotional wellbeing’
¨ Undertake regional development, and community services
¨ Foster social mobility and social cohesion.
“To leverage the emotional well being of individuals,
groups and communities for positive engagements
towards building flourishing societies.”